Registration & Dues

2023-24 Dues & Registration

The dues for the '22-'24 year will be $300. To pay them:

If your child is new to scouting:

If your child is a returning scout:

Please reach out to our membership chair if the cost is prohibitive for your family. We have scholarships available to cover both dues and uniforms for families who need it.

We had a surplus for '22-'23 so have opted not to increase the pack dues for '23-'24 despite a $10 increase in scout registration fees and a $30 increase in adult registration fees. 

How to make a payment to the pack

Questions, problems, or cannot pay via PayPal for some reason? Email

Where are your dues going?

More detail on dues

The pack collects annual dues to cover the expenses of the year’s activities and programming. Scholarships are also available to cover these costs if needed.

For the '23-24 school year pack dues are $300/scout. Here's a breakdown of where that money goes.

The pack also covers the $120 registration fee for adult volunteers (a $30 increase over '22-'3) and must pay a $100 pack registration fee.  There are also processing fees charged by BSA as well as PayPal.

The leftover money stays with the pack. We try to break even each year, but sometimes run a small surplus or deficit. Any surplus stays in the pack treasury to be used in future years.

The pack portion of the dues covers things like badges/belt loops/pins earned, hiking awards, a pinewood derby car for each scout, facility rental for the campfire (at the BSA headquarters in Palo Alto), supplies (things like hot chocolate and cookies for the campfire, trophies for the pinewood derby), and additional programming. It does not cover things like uniforms or handbooks, or "extra" trips like the overnight or camping.

Please reach out to our treasurer if you have questions about dues.